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S T A T E     H I S T O R I C A L     S O C I E T Y

Minnesota Historical Society

The Minnesota Historical Society is chief caretaker of Minnesota's story and the

Minnesota History Center is home to the Society's vast collections.

Minnesota Historical Society

M I N N E S O T A     D I G I T A L     L I B R A R Y

Minnesota Digital Library & Minnesota Reflections

Minnesota Reflections is the first online project of the Minnesota Digital Library Coalition. It is a collection of more than 210,000

images and documents depicting the history of Minnesota. More than 155 institutions including historical societies,

public libraries, special archives, universities and colleges have shared their original materials with the Minnesota Digital Library.

Search Minnesota Reflections

C O U N T Y     H I S T O R I C A L     S O C I E T I E S

Brown County Historical Society

The mission of the Brown County Historical Society is to collect, study, research, interpret, preserve and conserve the exhibit artifacts, and archival materials, and to disseminate knowledge about the history of Brown County and to relate that history to that of the State of Minnesota and the United States of America.

Brown County Historical Society

Carver County Historical Society

Established in 1940, the Carver County Historical Society is a private, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to collect,

preserve and interpret the history of Carver County. Located across from Bayview Elementary School in Waconia.

Carver County Historical Society

Le Sueur County Historical Society

To preserve the history of Le Sueur County, and educate people about the ways of life in the past.

Le Sueur County Historical Society

McLeod County Historical Society

In 1940, the McLeod County Historical Society was formally established.  We are dedicated to connecting with the past, understanding the present and making informed choices about the future by finding, preserving, explaining and sharing McLeod County History.

McLeod County Historical Society

Nicollet County Historical Society

The Nicollet County Historical Society interprets the rich history of our county, the Minnesota River Valley,

and our state. Visit us at the Treaty Site History Center, Harkin Store, Fort Ridgely, or the E. St. Julien Cox House;

come to a program; or search some of our collections here online or in our library.

Nicollet County Historical Society

Renville County Historical Society

The Renville County Historical Society was organized in 1940 for the purpose of collecting,

preserving, and sharing the history of Renville County and its people.

Renville County Historical Society

Scott County Historical Society

The Scott County Historical Society was incorporated in 1969. Its goal is to locate, collect,

preserve and exhibit historic material, and to disseminate and interpret the history of Scott County.

Scott County Historical Society

T O W N     H I S T O R I C A L     S O C I E T I E S

Arlington Historical Society

In April 1999, the Arlington City Council unanimously approved a motion to develop a five-year plan for the City of Arlington. This plan provided the directive to preserve the history of Arlington by restoring or preserving buildings which reflected the City’s history.

Arlington Historical Society


New Auburn Historical Society

10201 2nd St
New Auburn, MN 55366

New Auburn Historical Society

Winthrop Community Historical Society

The Winthrop Community Historical Society contains growing displays of

Winthrop artifacts, letters, pictures and genealogy of family histories.

Winthrop Community Historical Society


G E N E A L O G Y     R E S E A R C H     S I T E S

Minnesota Genweb Project

Provides numerous links for the Sibley County researcher; hosted by rootseb


rootsweb     An Community

Search over 100 Million Records & Reunite w/ Friends and Family Today

O T H E R     H E L P F U L     SITES

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A safe, healthy, progressive county providing quality public service in a

cost effective manner through innovation, leadership and cooperation.

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