Sibley County Historical Society and Museum/Henderson, MN

Thirty-three (33) photos were identified in 2016
(Ostrom Camera - From the museum collection)
Wedding of Jerome Pagel & Ann Collins
Diane Buntrock, Lenora Klukas, Debra Pagel, Wayne Klukas, Delmar Redetzke, Darwin Grack
St. John's Lutheran Church, Winthrop
N-444 Identified by Junior Bridesmaid Debra (Pagel) Trebesch

Wedding of Harriet Prosch and Eldred Redman
Carelyn Fyling, Cindy Lucas, LaVern Lucas, John Prosch
Flower girl Linda Dahlberg and Ringbearer Mark Dahlberg
Covenant Church, North Mankato
N-443 Identified by Harriet Prosch Redman

Langhorst Family (Winthrop)
Seated: Jeanette, Ann, Paul, Vernon
Standing: Lois, Ruby, Leola, Arline, Wilma
c. 1961
N-438 Identified by Vernon Langhorst (Nelson, WI)

Margaretha & Ferdinand Ruschmeyer
50th Anniversary
N-437 Identified by Royla Borchert (Winthrop)

Gorr Family (Winthrop)
Seated: Sophie & Alex
Standing: Shirley, Elsie, Marie, Delores, Dorothy, Fred, Richard, Harvey, Gottlieb, Rudy
N-436 Identified by LeAnn Werner, daughter of Shirley (Winthrop); Jeanne Cole, daughter of Delores (Winthrop); Sam Shult; Kelly Pierson

Ella Just, Ida Lind, & Ernest Lind
c. 1959
Photo taken at First Lutheran Church, Winthrop
N-435 Identified by Joni McLean

Brede Siblings
Seated: Richard
Standing: Bertha, Alvina, & Mary
N-434 Identified by Adrianne Sjostrom (Winthrop)

Arthur and Maybelle Bonderson & Family
Carl on father's lap
Standing: Lyle, Barbara, Lois, John, & Betty
N-433 Identified by Helen Bonderson, Rodney Lind (Gaylord)

Johanna & Herman Schuette
N-432 Identified by Marvanna Kettner (Winthrop, Granddaughter) & Gary Schuette (Grandson)

Front: Darlene Weitzenkamp, Betty Reese
Back: Ed Hallsten, Roger Blomquist
Evangelical Covenant Church, Winthrop
Confirmation class of 1956
N-430 Identified by Karen Benson, Winthrop

Uecker Family
Reggie, Berdina, Leonard, LaVerna, LuVerne Borchert
20th Anniversary photo
N-429 Identified by Reggie & Kathy Uecker (Brownton), Elaine Deschaine, Royla Borchert (Arlington)

​Swanson Family
Susan, Madelyn, Steven, Rev. Stanley, Becky, and Timothy
N-428 Identified by Ron & Neva Paulson (Lafayette), Adrianne Sjostrom

Selma Gehrke & Ernest Otto
Anniversary photo (married 1931)
N-426 Identified by Irene Leske and Mary Lou Otto, Winthrop

​Alvina Jahnke & Herman Kreft
35th Wedding Anniversary (1956)
N-425 Identified by Sharon Bird (Granddaughter) and Lu Dibbert Grack

Beverly Johnson & Marvin Caspersen
Married in 1956
N-424 Identified by Rodney Lind, Gaylord

Glenda & Dennis Dording
c. 1955
N-423 Identified by Elaine Deschaine

Vivian & Sandra Mueffelmann
N-418 Identified by Vivian!

Betty Pagel, Jean Pagel, Duane Haines, Lester Stark
N-417 Identified by Barb Pagel, Winthrop

Elmer & Violet Walz Family
Front: Renee, Debra, Sheila, John (Jack)
Back: Steven, Violet, Elmer, Sandra
N-416 Identified by Gene Berg, Elaine Deschaine, Ron & Sandy Zachow, Samuel Shult

Peter & Peggy Westby
c. 1956
N-415 Identified by Gene Berg & Janice Hall (Hutchinson)

​Earl, Karen, & Carol Heuer
All graduates of Winthrop High School
N-413 Identified by Margaret Lofthus (Winthrop), Elaine Ricke Wirtanen, Karen Sagmoen (Courtland), and Earl Heuer (Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Donna & Joyce Wendland
Joyce shares, "The picture gave me a good laugh because I remember my mom trying to get me to sit still to cut my bangs for the photo shoot."
N-410 Identified by Joyce herself! and Darlene Voss, Winthrop

​Carol Grosam & Lloyd Schroeder
Married at St. Andrew's Catholic Church, Fairfax
N-409 Identified by Lloyd's cousin Avonne Schuett, Brownton

Winthrop High School
Front: Barbara Howland, Joanne Sletten, Lou Ann Eckberg, Carolyn Ericson, Mary Jane Nierengarten, Kay Voelz
Back: Ron Webster, Warren Roberts, Dave Bjorklund, Dale Monson, Reuben Stresemann
N-408 Identified by Reuben Stresemann, Jeanne Webster Janssen, Gregory Johnson (Winthrop), Dave Mueller (Winthrop)

Leonard Boehlke
N-402 Identified by Otto Gutknecht, Winthrop

Chuck & Randy Freidrichs
Sons of Loren and Carole Freidrichs
N-400 Identified by Lyla Freidrichs, Gibbon

​Sisters Bernell and Marjorie Blaalid
Augustana Lutheran Church confirmation
N-399 Identified by Dick Isakson and Patricia Ericson

Louise & Carl Schuette
Jackie Bernstein emailed us, "Anniversary picture. My great grandparents."
N-398 Also identified by: Granddaughter Adrianne Lindeman

Grace (Jacobson) & Urban Johnson
We hear from Mary Lou (Johnson) Rolfe, "The couple in the Wednesday edition of the Winthrop News are my parents."
N-397 Also identified by Irene Leske

Ron & Richard Klement
Sons of Robert and Mary Ann Klement, Gibbon
N-396 Identified by Delores Klement, Gibbon

Ida & William Lickfett
N-394 Identified by Irene Leske

Elaine & Allen Trebelhorn
Family farmed between Winthrop & Gibbon and attended Winthrop High School
c. 1955
N-393 Identified by Elaine herself! Carol Grant and Irene Leske

Adela & Vernon Woods
N-390 Identified by Carroll & Joyce Woods, Gibbon