Sibley County Historical Society and Museum/Henderson, MN

The Sibley County
and Historical Society
-Where encountering the past is exciting and new
or a visit with an old friend

The Sibley County Museum
The August F. Poehler Home
National Registry of Historical Places
Regular Museum Hours resume beginning
Memorial Day. Click the "Take Me to the Museum Home Page" button below to access information on hours,
free will admission cost, etc.
Please note: State Highway 93 from the south and country road 6 are closed for construction. If accessing Henderson from 169, please use the detour on State Highway 19 East.
Prior to Memorial Day
Volunteers continue to work at the museum during the week, but do not maintain regular hours. We are available on most Thursdays to assist individuals who are interested in doing genealogy and need some research help . At this time of the year, anyone wishing to tour the museum or do research, should call 507-248-3434 to make
an appointment at least a week before the desired time.
Museum and Historical Society Location
Google Maps
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